“The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.”

~ Paul Valery

I’ve spent a few days writing about goals (not resolutions that usually get broken by February.) But our goals really start out as dreams, right?

If you’re someone who hasn’t spent much time goal-setting, or you’re someone who tries tackling too many goals and only accomplishing a few or none, then I’d like you to take a few steps back.

It’s time to dream and the start of a new year is the perfect time for it!v

Grab a notebook or blank piece of paper. We’re going to borrow Warren Buffet’s 5/25 idea, but not in its entirety. Write down 25 goals. Don’t categorize them, just write. Review your list and circle 5 that you want to focus on this year.

Now choose 1.

For that one goal, get another piece of paper, but one without lines. Draw the outcome of reaching that particular goal.

For example, if you’re a writer who wants to publish a book, you might draw yourself being interviewed by someone you admire.

Remember the details. What’s the name of your book? Is the interviewer holding it for all to see? Where are you being interviewed? When did the interview happen? Use color to make your dream come alive on the paper.

This final step is really a matter of preference. Some people like keeping their drawing somewhere they can always see it. Others tuck it away.

What’s important is doing the exercise because now the outcome is planted in your brain. It’s a seed waiting to be watered. How do you water it?

Every time you do something related to that dream, your seed becomes stronger.

Let’s look at the writer, again. Maybe you’ll take a writing class. Maybe you’ll join a critique group or attend a conference where you learn how to pitch your idea. Those actions are fertilizer and water for your seed.

All of the actions you choose to take can only be done when you wake up.