How we begin our morning sets the tone for the rest of our day. 

I could leave this entire article at that, but I won’t. 

A few years ago something happened that upset my apple cart, so to speak. Maybe you’ve experienced a similar feeling.

During the night, I’d feel this churning in the pit of my stomach. Soon it would move to my chest. Breathing would become difficult and I’d wake, gasping for air.

I’d been sleeping the entire time. Imagining. 

Imagining, what? Who knows?

I would awake, gasping to catch a breath. 

This feeling – sensation – stemmed from not making the choices that I knew needed to be made. I know this because once a choice was made, the sensation — the inability to breath, to sleep through the night — stopped. 

What stops us from making the tough choices we need to make so that we not only survive, but thrive? What are we afraid of? 

These are the two questions we need to answer if we hope to find meaning and purpose. People who’ve answered these questions might still fear some things, but they don’t fear making the choices that propel them toward fulfilling their mission.

Finding your one thing is part art, part fearlessness, and a whole lot of simply being willing to make the choices that matter most to our inner voice.

You know that voice. We all do.