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Go the Distance

Challenges, especially of the larger variety help us build resilience. In the spirit of helping you (and me, I'm not going to lie) do that, I've created four challenges for you to try. I've done each one, and have already started a new one -- training for a 1/2...

Stars Can Change

Stars Can Change

In the movie "A Knight's Tale," young William queries, "Can a man change his stars?" Of course this has nothing to do with being male, female, black, white, or all the shades in between. It's a question about agency, control, and volition. Do we have control over our...

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Happiness Vulnerability

Happiness Vulnerability

Vulnerability is about showing up and being seen. It's tough to do that when we're terrified about what people might see or think. Brene Brown A curious thing happened today. For two weeks I've posted a survey in a particular Facebook group with a single...

Challenges Change Us

Challenges Change Us

A good spicy challenge strikes a balance between flavour and fear. Adam Richman Why do we challenge ourselves? Sometimes it's to prove something to someone else, but oftentimes it's simply to prove something to ourselves.  We all have that voice in our head. You know...

Commit to Your Path

Do or do not. There is no try.Yoda After you've made your choice and the dust has settled, it's time to commit to your path. You might think that you did when you made the choice. Nope. It happens after that.  How many times have you made a choice only to constantly...

Our Choices Matter

How we begin our morning sets the tone for the rest of our day.  I could leave this entire article at that, but I won't.  A few years ago something happened that upset my apple cart, so to speak. Maybe you've experienced a similar feeling. During the night, I'd...

The Stories We Tell

Memories are just stories we tell ourselves about our past, and that's often why they don't match when we've shared the same experiences with someone. ~ John Slattery Have you ever experienced a time when you and a close friend (or spouse) are debating about a...

Service? What’s that?

Who do you serve? Think on that a minute before you answer.  Recently, a group of Girl Scouts, their leader, and I experienced two very different perspectives on this. We all serve someone in some capacity. But are we doing it well? Are we doing our best to help...

Ready to level up?