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Multi-tasking: The Urban Legend

Multi-tasking: The Urban Legend

Why we can't do it Even if we had more arms, we can't do it.Image credit: Serena Wong via Pixabay Do you pride yourself on your ability to multi-task? The evidence that our brains can't multi-task is well-documented. Yet, some people believe this 'skill' is necessary....

Touchstones & Worry Dolls

Touchstones & Worry Dolls

When you think of a "touchstone," it's usually a person with whom you can share your deepest desires, hopes, fears, frustrations, and dreams. This is your "go-to" cheerleader/accountability partner. But what if you don't have someone in that role? You need to keep...

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Cover Your Cough

Cover Your Cough

“Nothing is so contagious as an example. We never do great good or great evil without bringing about more of the same on the part of others.”~ La Rochefoucauld You've had a crappy day. You come home and yell at your spouse for something you know is irrational. She or...

Your Time is Valuable

Your Time is Valuable

“There’s a myth that time is money. In fact, time is more precious than money. It’s a nonrenewable resource. Once you’ve spent it, and if you’ve spent it badly, it’s gone forever.” ~ Neil A. Fiore Schedule the critically important events. What does this mean? Simple....

Look Forward to Something

Look Forward to Something

Never mind goal-setting for now. Let's focus on something a little easier. What are three things you're looking forward to doing in 2019? These can be anything. Are you going to attend a conference to further your learning? Will you start a business? Will you read one...

Be you. Do you.

Be you. Do you.

Authenticity means erasing the gap between what you firmly believe inside and what you reveal to the outside world. Adam Grant It's time to welcome a new year! A new year is an exciting time filled with fireworks, parties, conversation, and hopefully, laughter. But,...

Ready to level up?