A good spicy challenge strikes a balance between flavour and fear.

Adam Richman

Why do we challenge ourselves? Sometimes it’s to prove something to someone else, but oftentimes it’s simply to prove something to ourselves. 

We all have that voice in our head. You know the one I’m talking about. It nags at you. Sometimes it screams at you.

“You’re a fraud!”

“You don’t know what you’re doing!”

“You suck!”

But that voice isn’t true. 

When we’re on the edge, learning something new, working toward becoming an expert, we’re not a fraud. We’re an explorer. 

When we don’t yet know exactly what we’re doing. We’re an explorer.

When that nasty little voice pouts, “You suck!” It’s because it’s not an explorer. But you and I are.

The language we use to describe our world matters. Challenges can be accepted or denied. You and I are the kind of people who accept challenges, whip them about, make them ours, and keep moving forward.